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A wooden road sign is seen, filling up the whole frame. An iconic and old sign. It reads: "Welcome to Alaska"


    THE DARK PEAK INCIDENT is a horror webcomic written and drawn by Mateus Boga, set in the remote interior of the state of Alaska, where a group of nine hikers decide to attempt to summit the most mysterious and dangerous mountain in North Amerca: Mount Xiitustlan. Soon enough they find that perhaps it wasn't the best idea to dismiss the local native tales and legends about this mountain so quickly...




Aleksei Kuznetsov

Born: 1986 - Krasnodar, Russia

     Before arriving in Alaska, Alex was a colleague of Mike, Nicole and Paulo in university before he dropped out to pursue his dream of becoming a professional mountain guide. Hank had offered to be his instructor for the semester, and this is his final test to Alex, which will make him qualified to finally recieve the certificate or not. Alex trusts Hank for the most part, but is sometimes a bit skeptical of his methods and ideals.


    Alex is a man of few words, but once people get on his good side he can be a very dedicated friend. His main interests are hiking, rock climbing and, of course, mountaineering.

Greg Fernsby

Born: 1987 - Detroit, USA

   If it wasn't for his lack of social skills, Greg would be a nice person to be around. and in general he is someone who you can trust to do his job. However, Greg has a weakness deep within that he hides, because he knows how vulnerable it makes him: he is a puppet in the hands of pretty women. Nicole knows this, and uses it to exploit him and use him to reach her goals, and she isn't the only one who does this.


    Other than being a victim of bullying and manipulation, Greg has also acquired several addictions, such as gaming, and has become toxic and full of repressed hatred. He has continuously refused to treat these issues.

Henrik Heikkinen

Born: 1978 - Tampere, Finland

     Hank is a bit of a mysterious person. No-one really knows why he chose this mountain for the expedition. Perhaps it is because he wanted the glory of being the first to ascend it, perhaps he just wanted to do what his father never could. Whatever the reason, he clearly was not expecting to get the kind of group that he got...


    His stubbornness, as well as his short temper and "no bullshit" attitude make him a bit hard to work with more often than not, and quite rude at times. Noentheless, he is really good at what he does, whether it is climbing mountains or uttering profanities in his native toungue.

Jackie Ferrera

Born: 1989 - Toronto, Canada

     Besides her professional carrer as a musician and death metal guitarrist, Jackie has many hobbies and fascinations, most of them involving horror stories and browsing creepypasta on the internet. She is obssessed with the occult and especially the myths and legends of the first peoples of North America. She is conducting an ongoing amateur investigation about the Dark Peak, and when she heard Mike had been invited to go there she did not waste any breath to ask to go with him too.


     It is unclear whether she truly believes these stories, or whether they are simply a fetish of hers, but one thing is clear, her strange tastes and conversations make her have a hard time finding people to talk to...

Jean-Pierre Bienvenue

Born: 1989 - Rennes, France

     Nothing interests Jean more than the beauty of nature, and, especially, capturing every special moment inside the eye of a telephoto lens. His social media profiles are filled with images of exotic animals, beautiful and pictoresque plants and rocks, as well as jaw-dropping scenery from all around the world.


     He is a romantic, poetic and religious person, believing that the true meaning of life is to appreciate its beauty, as well as to savour each moment as if it were your last. Even though he is a great photographer, his clumsiness makes him unwieldy at most other tasks, and having his head always on the clouds makes him miss some important details sometimes.

Kadys Creighton

Born: 1988 - Lincolnshire, UK

     Kadys came here by request of Hank himself. He needs her because of her abilities as a weather scientist, so that the expedition is not taken by surprise by sudden storms. She has a surprisingly keen eye for small details, as well as a really active intellect. She is a skeptic at heart, loves nature and wishes to protect and preserve it no matter what, as she sees how humans depend on it. She worries about climage change.


     She is a nice person to be around, however she does not let any offense slide, and you can be sure she will not hold back when it comes to putting people in their place. Her arguments can sometimes seem a bit rude or condescending, but nonetheless she is almost always right.

Mike Gallinger

Born: 1985 - Orlando, USA

     Other than being a fulltime example of apex masculinity, Mike is also Jackie's boyfriend. He is quirky, oftentimes a bit of an asshole, and most of the time just loves to make fun of people for his own amusement, such as pulling pranks and scaring them. He takes big pride in his muscular body that he maintains with a regular and strict gymn routine. This is clearly compensation for the dwindeling future of his career.


     Many people are affraid of Mike, not just because of his height and appearance, but also because of his sometimes strange and creepy conversations and blatant discrimination. It is unclear why Jackie likes him, but she seems to not really mind this side of him, since he treats her well for the most part.


Paulo Cattaneo

Born: 1985 - Fortaleza, Brazil

     Paulo is a simple man. He sees snow, he will roll in it. An avid sportsman, he is likely to be seen outside, typically while snowboarding down some snowy mountainside. He plays the Kalimba, but is too shy to admit it or play it in front of other people. He also loves comics and movies.


     Nearly everyone enjoys the company of Paulo. He is a really fun person, that always wants everyone to be happy and comfortable, and feels out of place otherwise. This attitude can seem annoying for people who are not in the right mood, however. He also has an irrational fear of the dark, ghosts and the occult.

Nicole Rodriguez

Born: 1984 - Cordoba, Argentina

     Nobody has ever seen Nicole without her smartphone. Her whole career is based solely on her internet fame, which has clearly gotten to her head, and she will do anything for her followers and fans. She came here with the sole purpose of taking a picture of herself on top of the mountain, which she believes will be her most successful post yet.


     She is also a model, and she takes good care of herself, always keeping her makeup and appearance overly improved, in order to attract the eyes of the males, which she sure loves to do. She does not waste a chance to flirt or be provocative towards men, but she is incredibly unsuccessful in relationships because of her flamboyant and oftentimes very egotistical personality.


Born: 1768 - Alaska

     His mother, who gave him the name of Summer, told him ever since he was a child about the dangers that lie beyond the Tanana. She warned of a great dark, that would consume the Earth if it ever awoke. Sheen heard these cautionary tales, but took them with a grain of salt. He had grown to become the son of the tribe elder, and he was going to inherit that title. But his mother died at the hands of the thing of man, and at that moment he knew his life's meaning was to protect his family and his tribe.


     And that is how his life ended, like his mother's before him, at the hands of that dreaded beast that roams the earth. It had awoken, and it was out to feed on those most vulnerable. The servant of Giyeg took his life, and would take many more, as there is no-one who can stop it. No man...

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